Monday, January 18, 2010

Pursuing Breakthrough Leadership

Ideas have consequences. This is the motto used by Summit ministries, where I had so many definitions for life clarified. There was one lecture, by Robert Meyers, which presented elements of exceptional leadership. “Breakthrough leadership,” as Meyers termed it, consists of strategic vision, mission, motivation, and plan. I believe that Bryan will provide all of these for me, helping me develop my leadership skills as I strive for these ideas to have consequences in my life.
Meyers defines vision as “seeing the world as God sees it,” which I believe Bryan will help me to do. In order to obtain this vision, I must have a strong relationship with God, so that I might know His purpose for me and those around me. By the worldview programs that Bryan offers, I will be able to learn of the world and its beliefs, dealing with it as God would have me, not as I see best. In better understanding how to view the world, I am better equipped to be a leader in it. Bryan and its faculty have such a vision for their students, providing the proper encouragement needed for us as students to be all we can be for God’s glory, not our own.
Secondly, Myers argues that part of being a leader is “knowing where you fit in God’s plan,” or mission. My mission is the same as Bryan’s motto, “Christ Above All,”and thus I know that Bryan can help me reach that goal. In putting Christ first, it will bring me closer to God and enable me to better understand His purpose for me as opposed to what I would desire for myself in my life and what I would desire for it. By properly understanding His purpose for me, I will then be able to learn what I might to do reach this end to the best of my ability, with God’s help, and be a leader in any field He has planned for me.
For such motivation as breakthrough leadership would require, I am aware that there are hundreds of students like me at Bryan that share similar goals of being soldiers of God. Just being in such a community will motivate me to fight the good fight, knowing I am not alone in the endeavor. I am also certain that, as I continue in my education, the godly teachers at Bryan will encourage me to work my hardest for God and His glory, modeling for me the leadership to which I aspire. One aspect that has taken my notice is the weekly chapel service held on campus. This is so important to me, as it would aid my staying focused on why I am where I am, Who brought me here, and in light of that how I should behave. Also, having met with faculty on previous occasions, such as Summit, Highlight, or through personal acquaintance, I noticed the air of enthusiasm they spread just through their personalities. Their example has already been such an encouragement to me, producing in me a like spirit by just being around them! In being so motivated on a daily basis at Bryan, I will conquer each day with more fervor for my purpose than ever before. In addition, the students with whom I already share an association exhibit this powerful sense of purpose and sheer love for what they do so that I cannot help but be excited for them and their work for God as I hope for the same to be shown through me!
The next step in Meyer’s format is to have a plan. My plan is to grow in my relationship with God by making the most of the opportunities and privileges He provides for me at Bryan, that I may be equipped to be a leader for His use. I know I will receive an excellent education that prepares me for what God and life will require of me, whether it is as a leader or a follower. I plan to, while at Bryan, to perform at my utmost to utilize all the resources provided for me in the future.
With all these in mind, my hope and expectation is to become the person that God desires for me to be as a leader, using all the resources and skills He has provided me for His ultimate plan and all-consuming glory, not my own. I trust that He will lead me in all and am confident that Bryan is the college to nurture me into a leader for my generation because Bryan itself demonstrates the vision, mission, motivation, and plan that is essential for Christian leadership.

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